
Smasana-Cayana ceremony


Tilak Symbol

Tilak symbol indicates the ‘Pithru Karma’ ceremony.


Kur Symbol

 Kur symbol – indicates ‘Land of the Dead’. These is the only grapheme, which shows the Sumerian influence. The Sumerian symbol and Indus symbol looks very similar.


Fire Stick Symbol

Fire stick symbol indicates the Arani sticks of Vedic Yajna.


Comb Symbol

Comb like symbol indicates the offering table




Fish Symbolism

Fish symbolism in Indus Valley civilization.


Evidence of Vedic Yajna in Indus seal inscriptions

Evidence of Vedic Yajna in Indus seal inscriptions


Necropolis theory on Indus Valley Civilization




Branch symbol indicates – the word ‘Sastha’- which stands for the word ‘God.’ Secondly, the same branch symbol also indicates the word ‘Zakhstha’ (meaning ‘branch living’)
